
Saturday, 27 September 2014

Wireless Body Area Network

Wireless Body Area Network consists of small, intelligent devices attached on or implanted in the body
which are capable of establishing a wireless communication link. These devices provide continuous health
monitoring and real-time feedback to the user or medical personnel.

In Wireless Body Area Network :Generally two types of devices can be distinguished: sensors and actuators. The sensors are used to measure certain parameters of the human body, ei-
ther externally or internally. Examples include measuring the heartbeat, body temperature or recording
a prolonged electrocardiogram (ECG). The actuators(or actors) on the other hand take some speci c ac-
tions according to the data they receive from the sensors or through interaction with the user.

The General Intra -Body Communication Architecture Of WBAN :

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

How Hummingbird Update Effects Search Engine Optimization

“Google Hummingbird” Algorithm strategy

In this Paper We Have Discussed How “Google Hummingbird” algorithms works to Search the desired user query requirements. Google announced the introduction of Hummingbird, a new algorithm that allows the search engine to process and sort its index more efficiently.
With this new algorithm, Google is better able to understand the meaning of a phrase and return more precise results to complex search queries. These changes provide brands with an opportunity to become more relevant and useful to consumers by expanding their content strategy to include more informational content on their site. The Google Hummingbird update is not about how you rank, but it’s about how search will show up in response to your query.
Here Google Uses the Concept Of Semantic Search is Google’s way of showing you the best possible results, depending on your location, online behavior , your network, trends, etc .Thus content creation along with great amount of social interaction will be vital and also authority.
And Semantic Search works on the concept of knowledge graph: Knowledge Graph is a repository. It is what Google searches into, to give you results. The Google Hummingbird update has suddenly brought the focus back on Knowledge Graph. With the latest update, capabilities and filters have been added to the Knowledge Graph.
Here I have Explain How Google Hummingbird uses the Knowledge Graph concept for Search Queries :

Let as Assume that user want to Search “Shopping complex delhi ” than google will leverage the location data and translate the query to show places around your current location where you can Shop.

How Hummingbird Update Effects Search Engine Optimization

“Google Hummingbird” Algorithm strategy

In this Paper We Have Discussed How “Google Hummingbird” algorithms works to Search the desired user query requirements. Google announced the introduction of Hummingbird, a new algorithm that allows the search engine to process and sort its index more efficiently.
With this new algorithm, Google is better able to understand the meaning of a phrase and return more precise results to complex search queries. These changes provide brands with an opportunity to become more relevant and useful to consumers by expanding their content strategy to include more informational content on their site. The Google Hummingbird update is not about how you rank, but it’s about how search will show up in response to your query.
Here Google Uses the Concept Of Semantic Search is Google’s way of showing you the best possible results, depending on your location, online behavior , your network, trends, etc .Thus content creation along with great amount of social interaction will be vital and also authority.
And Semantic Search works on the concept of knowledge graph: Knowledge Graph is a repository. It is what Google searches into, to give you results. The Google Hummingbird update has suddenly brought the focus back on Knowledge Graph. With the latest update, capabilities and filters have been added to the Knowledge Graph.
Here I have Explain How Google Hummingbird uses the Knowledge Graph concept for Search Queries :

Let as Assume that user want to Search “Shopping complex delhi ” than google will leverage the location data and translate the query to show places around your current location where you can Shop.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Geography And You

Our Profile IPP Ltd. undertakes a gamut of responsibilities and turnkey projects in English and Hindi along with its sister organisation, LIGHTS, a non-profit research and analysis factory. The range extends from conduction field surveys, research and analysis to presenting international quality books that can even be dispatched to the requisite destinations. We thus serve as an extension of a mother office, a single window solution to all publication needs. Our specialisation in any field may be explored either singly or may be synchronised for optimal benefits.

For Further Query and Details Visit

Thursday, 18 July 2013 College In Haryana - India

Rohtak Institute of Engineering & Management

Rohtak Institute of Engineering & Management(RIEM), is the winner of National Award in Education Excellence -2010, and in Smart Board Technology, every class is recorded and is made available to students on website on daily basis. 
The college offers the following B.Tech programme which is approved by AICTE and affiliated to Mahrshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. 
* Mechanical Engineering(ME)-60 Seats
* Civil Engineering(CE)-60 Seats

*Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) – 60 Seats

*Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) – 60 Seats

*Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) – 60 Seats

*Information Technology (IT)- 60 Seats 

For Further Details About Admission In Courses : So Please Visit :