
Saturday, 27 September 2014

Wireless Body Area Network

Wireless Body Area Network consists of small, intelligent devices attached on or implanted in the body
which are capable of establishing a wireless communication link. These devices provide continuous health
monitoring and real-time feedback to the user or medical personnel.

In Wireless Body Area Network :Generally two types of devices can be distinguished: sensors and actuators. The sensors are used to measure certain parameters of the human body, ei-
ther externally or internally. Examples include measuring the heartbeat, body temperature or recording
a prolonged electrocardiogram (ECG). The actuators(or actors) on the other hand take some speci c ac-
tions according to the data they receive from the sensors or through interaction with the user.

The General Intra -Body Communication Architecture Of WBAN :

1 comment:

IWT Training Institute said...

Thank you for writing this blog, i was waiting to read this type of blog. your writing skills is excellent.