ACcording to me : Google Penguin 2.0 Update slightly affected the Keyword Position on SERP Table.As A good Quality Content Sites Remain in Good position in SERP Table.
Read That What news Regarding Google Penguin Update.........
As you know, (Penguin 2.0 #4 )is live
and webmasters and SEOs are buzzing about that. The thing is, some
misconceptions about Penguin 2.0 are driving me absolutely crazy.
Cutts, in his video about this update, talks about how Penguin 2.0 will
be "more comprehensive," how this version "goes deeper" and will result
in "more of an impact" than Penguin 1.0.
The SEO community is
translating "goes deeper" to mean that Penguin 1.0 only impacted the
home page of a web site. That is absolutely false. Deeper has nothing
to do with that. Those who were hit by Penguin 1.0 know all to well
that their whole site suffered, not just their home page.
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