
Sunday, 26 August 2012

Job Ad - Engineering Faculty 2pi Learning Hub Lecturer Upto 5 years

Job Ad - Engineering Faculty 2pi Learning Hub Lecturer Upto 5 years

Android Application Developer/Trainer

Android Application Developer/Trainer

TIFR - Scientific Officer

Application are invited for the following posts tenable at Mumbai : 

Qualification :
M.Sc. (Physics/Electronics/Instrumentation) with minimum 60% marks OR B.E./B.Tech. in Electronics/Instrumentation or equivalent with minimum 60% marks.

Desirable Experience :
Experience with R & D in accelerator or nuclear instrumentation laboratory.

Age : Below 31 years.

LAST DATE : 5 Sept.

FOr further details click the given link below: 

SSC :Information Asst/ Technical Officer/ Sr Scientific Asst

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ Selection Posts in the format given in Annexure-A of this advertisement. Applicants are advised to go through all parameters under different Paras and Sub-Paras of this Notice and satisfy themselves about their suitability on Age-limit and Essential Qualification for the posts, before applying.

1 Information Asst 
2 Metrological Asst 
3 Technical Officer - I 
4 Economic Asst 
5 Asst Director 
6 Zoological Asst    

and more posts : 

LAST DATE : 15 sept. 2012 

For further details clcik here : 

VACANCY in INDIAN BANK FOR Specialist officers

INDIAN BANK invites applications from Indian Citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination (CWE) for Specialist Officers conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, Mumbai (IBPS) on 11.03.2012 and have a valid Score card issued by IBPS and meet the prescribed eligibility criteria.

20.Rural Development Officer/ Asst Manager (Agri.)
Degree in Agriculture or allied specializations such as Horticulture/ Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Science/ Dairy Science/ Agri. Engineering/ Fishery Science/ Pisciculture/ Agri Marketing & Cooperation etc. from recognized University.

21.Rajbhasha Adhikari/ Hindi Officer/ Asst. Manager (OL)
A Post Graduate Degree in Hindi with English as a subject at the Degree level OR Post Graduate degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subjects at the Degree level.

LAST DATE : 5 september

For further details click the given link below: