Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology (SCTIMST), conduct walk -in interview for the post of Graduate Apprentice Trainee—Biomedical Engg / Electronics and Instrumentation / Electronics and Biomedical Engg. / Biomedical Instrumentation engg.)
Post :
Graduate Apprentice Trainee—Biomedical Engg / Electronics and Instrumentation / Electronics and Biomedical Engg. / Biomedical Instrumentation engg.)
Qualification :
B.Tech Degree in Biomedical Engineering / Applied Electronics
and Instrumentation / Electronics and Biomedical Engg. / Biomedical Instrumentation engg. (Eligible for training only if the date of commencement of training and the date of issue of last mark list is less than three years.)
LAST DATE: 30 May 12
for further detalis visit the given link below::
Post :
Graduate Apprentice Trainee—Biomedical Engg / Electronics and Instrumentation / Electronics and Biomedical Engg. / Biomedical Instrumentation engg.)
Qualification :
B.Tech Degree in Biomedical Engineering / Applied Electronics
and Instrumentation / Electronics and Biomedical Engg. / Biomedical Instrumentation engg. (Eligible for training only if the date of commencement of training and the date of issue of last mark list is less than three years.)
LAST DATE: 30 May 12
for further detalis visit the given link below::