Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday reiterated that the central government's funds for development of Uttar Pradesh were being misused by the Mayawati government and, if voted to power, his party would make the state "number one" in the country.Rahul on Tuesday embarked upon a mass contact programme ahead of the state assembly polls early next year."The poor in the state are not getting the benefits of funds being released for them and the development of Uttar Pradesh. It's because the state government is not bothered about the development of Uttar Pradesh and the poor and downtrodden," Gandhi told a gathering in Barabanki, some 30 km from Lucknow.
AHMEDABAD: Even as the Supreme Court refused to grant relief to suspended IPS officerSanjiv Bhatt on Friday, he chose to view the glass as half full. He believed the turning down of his plea by the Supreme Court had opened new doors for him. Talking to TOI, Bhatt said that he could at his liberty now file his objections in a revision petition with the Gujarat high court. "The SC has permitted me to file an independent revision petition with all my objections, which comes as welcome news for me. As I have already submitted my objections in a petition with the court, in absence of the permission from the SC, it would have been difficult for me to counter the government flip-flop in the case and raise my objections," said Bhatt.
DEHRADUN: Two days after a stampede at Laljiwala Yagyashala near Har-Ki Pauri in Haridwar in which 20 Gayatri Sadak (Gayatri devotees) were killed on the spot and 50 others were injured during a religious ceremony, Hardwar police on Thursday booked organisers of 1551 Kundalia Yagyashala under section 304A IPC for causing death due to negligence in Haridwar Kotwali. The tragedy occurred two days after first of its kind 5-day Gayatri Mahayagya organised by All world Gayatri Parivar to mark the beginning of centenary celebrations of Acharya Pandit Shriram Sharma,the founder of 37-year-old Shanti Kunj Ashram, began on Sunday. Shanti Kunj Ashram headed by Dr Pranav Pandya is known as a centre of spiritualism.
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PANAJI: Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader L K Advani on Wednesday said he liked Manmohan Singh "when he was not the prime minister".
Speaking to reporters in Panaji, the former deputy Prime Minister, who is on a nationwide anti-graft Jan Chetna Yatra, also said calling Singh a weak PM was not a "harsh critique".
"When he was not a Prime Minister I liked him. He served very
efficiently as P V Narasimha Rao's finance minister, but we did not
expect courage from him then," Advani said sarcastically.
"Calling him a weak PM is not harsh," Advani said adding the country had
now realised in retrospect that the BJP's constant castigation of
Singh's governance in the past had substance.
"People earlier used to say 'he is an honest man, why do you keep attacking him'. Now they tell me, what the BJP was saying all this while is right," he said.
The BJP leader also said the record of both Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi in the battle against corruption was "highly unsatisfactory".
Advani also critiqued the Congress' efforts to put the blame for the 2G
spectrum scam on United Progressive Alliance (UPA) partner DMK, whose
former minister A Raja is in prison on corruption charges.
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